How a DUI/DWI Criminal Record Affects Your Driving Privileges

Each time you receive a DWI charge, you also receive a negative mark in your driving record. The negative marks on your driving record are there for a minimum of 10 years, and can affect your driving privileges and career/job options.

Ways in which a DUI criminal record can affect your driving privileges

License suspension: Your driver’s license may be revoked or suspended.

Restricted driving: You may have to restrict your driving. For example, you may be allowed only to drive to and from your job location.

Probation period: You may face probation, where all your driving movements are closely observed.

High insurance rates: When car insurance companies look into your driving record, they may asses you as a risky driver and charge more or even refuse your auto insurance request.

Other ways in which a DUI record can affect you:

  • A DUI criminal record can affect career opportunities.
  • You may not be able to rent a house in some areas, because their policies do not allow tenants with criminal history.
  • This DUI criminal record is also considered when you apply for health, life, and home insurance.

A DUI/DWI conviction can have a devastating effect on you. If you have been charged with DUI/DWI in NY you need to hire an experienced New York DUI/DWI attorney.

Mr. Paul D. Petrus Jr., the experienced DWI attorney in NY, has the knowledge and experience of NY DWI laws and is ready to help you. Call at 212-564-2440 to schedule a free initial consultation with Mr. Petrus.

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